14 years ago
Monday, July 30, 2007
a day in the park
Sunday was great! We went shopping for MY treats at bella & daisys on union st! I got a new bella bean collar and some salmon treats, a bone cookie, and a butterfly cookie. (will post when mom gives it to me!) anyways...we went to golden gate park, but all I saw was really big dogs, so we ended up going to our usual park up on california st. here i go!!
it was a little chilly that day, look how my ears flap up!
salmon??! oh my doggy, let me smell it dad!
oh man!
not bad dad! i love this stuff too! if it makes my eyes close, that means its pretty darn yummy!
hey poodle! GO AWAY, these are my treats!
those salmon treats made me have MORE energy to run around!
anyone wanna play hide and seek??
no one...? ok fine!
dad tried to grab my tail! let me rephrase that, I tried to chase after HIS tail! hehehe
gotta go get my ball!
whoo hoo!
cant touch this!
until next time folks!
Friday, July 27, 2007
time capsule
so last week, clover has tagged me to post about 5 things I love that should be in my time capsule! here i go...are you ready?!
my first pink sweater. This was the first clothing my mom bought me! it fits me like its a muscle shirt now!
grass!! even though I cant fit a whole park in my capsule, a patch of grass would be perfect!
my dingo bones! i love this stuff, and eventually i get the meat thats in the middle. YUM. when i chew a piece off, I smack on it like a piece of gum for a long time.
my orange cuz..just because its cooool
and last but not least...strawberry yogurt ice cream! My favorite, its sooo good it makes you close your eyes like this!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
silly ice cream photoshoot
oh my doggy, it's a frosty paw.
let me evaluate it first...smells good...
oooohhh weee... that was great! gimmie more mom moooreee!
see how that makes me lick my lips!
oh my dogg, delicious!
how about if i make a funny face like this!
it didnt work?
arent i making you laugh mom? im making silly faces!
watermelon, burgers and fries!

Monday, July 23, 2007
first award!
I have received my first award! Thanks amber for my...
mom got a new couch cover yesterday and it is soooo soft. The green totally matches with my fawn color I love it! I usually dont take naps on the couch, but ever since my human put that thing on the couch, I lounge there and fall asleep! Soft suede.
I am for sure chillin and dreamin about strawberry yogurt..yuuum

Saturday, July 21, 2007
a little on the down side...
so last night, we were playing with the tennis ball, so while she was on the couch with me i threw the ball and she jumped right before it landed and hit her eye. To make matters worst it hit her right eye, as many of you guys may not know, she was somewhat of a cataract already in her right eye. Today this morning she was squinting and slept mostly all day. Im hoping to go to the vet real soon. But not enough money yet to give her the 3500 surgery for her eye, I am a bad mother :( Does anyone know what to do to make a bruised eye feel better?
on the funnier note, I found this video clip of her and thought it was so cute. I bought some shoes for her from target, here she is struttin her stuff.
Friday, July 20, 2007
random blog
hi everydoggy its me kaui! so today me and mom are going to post up random pictures because we havent done anything lately. we've been lazy bums. -_-
here's me on my first day home!! I was so small and tiny. my tail did not curl this day because i was so confused and nervous. I even threw up at the local pet co on my dad's arm when they got me a new bed.
me again! same day, mom said she' wished she had more light to take pictures of me because they mostly all came out blurry and dark. boo.
I was a little nervous so I thought i'd hide on mom's legs. look at my pink belly!
this was a couple day's later. I started getting comfy in my new pad and humans!
who wants to play??
here's me and my mom. this was my first pink sweater i got! it was soooo big before, but now when i wear it, it looks like a muscle shirt!
my first puppia harness. I was foolin around and i got it around me head. silly me.
here's me at funston beach, this beach was rated as the #1 beach in san francisco for us doggies, but i HATED it. and so did mom and dad. this was the worst first beach experience ever for me . paws down.
so here's dad rescuing me take me away from the salty water. we are gettin outta here!
after that stoopid beach, my humans thought they should make it up to me by taking me to the park! I liked it MUCH better. mom had to get the sand off my face and eyes. it was terrible. i frolicked in the grass and we went home.
TADAAA! im super woman. talk to the paw not to the face.
tootsie roll anyone...?

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