I was pooped! I know what your gonna say, then why did we even get him? because we are pug possessed! he was great to have, but thought it was best to give him to my bf's mother so he can keep her company. Overall, another issue was he is extremly WILD! i know it's because he's a puppy, but he was one wild pug I might say. Another issue is, i actually don't even know if my apt allows pets?? I rarely see any, but I did see one dog. So im pretty lucky that kaui doesnt bark or cry that much for them to hear. Plus, my boyfriend who's a chef doesnt come home until late at night, so I barely have the time to do my stuff and school work also.
Although when we came home last night, it did feel really quite and empty, since kaui's not a barker. But of course we will go back and visit sumo ( or whatever his name is gonna be if they decide to change it ) and take pictures to update to all our friends. ;) I wish we could have let him stay with us, but I know he'll have a blast over at grandma's too. We even made her pug posssesed. First she wasent a dog person, but after watching kaui for two weeks when I was gone to arizona, she is pug crazy. When we would visit her she would say hi to kaui first for a good 10 mintues, then realize we are there. lol. So another great idea of her keeping sumo to make her happy. Here I leave you with a couple of pictures the past week. Now here's kaui!