Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my little elf

i was taking a nap and momma said lets go for a walk. i get reallllly excited, and its a cold day today here so she put on a sweater. i look like a elf..so i gave her a BIGGG yawn.

and lastly, a powerful stink eye.



martha said...

You can't be a real elf because you're much, much cuter than any old elf!

Duke said...

You are just adorable in your elf hoodie, Kaui!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Kaui! You must be the cutest elf ever!!

Stanley said...


You are completely cracking me UP with those photos, girl! I think you could be part elf... but whatever it is, it makes you gooberliciously cute in the pointy little hat. You kind of look like a sassy little evil genius plotting world domination. (You also look just a wee little bit like a tan colored Grinch who stole Christmas.)

I'm catching up with your posts and can't wait to see what you've been up to!

Goob love & smooches,

Amber-Mae said...

BOL! Kinda funny!

Solid Gold Momma