Friday, July 27, 2007

time capsule

so last week, clover has tagged me to post about 5 things I love that should be in my time capsule! here i go...are you ready?!

my first pink sweater. This was the first clothing my mom bought me! it fits me like its a muscle shirt now!

grass!! even though I cant fit a whole park in my capsule, a patch of grass would be perfect!

my dingo bones! i love this stuff, and eventually i get the meat thats in the middle. YUM. when i chew a piece off, I smack on it like a piece of gum for a long time.

my orange cuz..just because its cooool

and last but not least...strawberry yogurt ice cream! My favorite, its sooo good it makes you close your eyes like this!


Duke said...

Gee Kaui! Your muscle shirt is giving you cleavage! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow! Great choices Kaui especially the strawberry yogurt. Yum! And the grass too. I can't live without it, nu-uh!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jen and Suki said...

Kaui, you sure are a pretty pug. I hope I can be pretty like you when I'm (a little bit) older!

Joe Stains said...

I would love to be the one who digs up your capsule, so much good stuff!

Clover said...

Hi Kaui,
Good choices for your time capsule. I love all your clothes! And is that a bad cuz? I have an orange one too!
Love Clover xo